Wednesday 11 September 2019

Why NEP 2019 advocate for vocational education?

Vocational education is a certain kind of education program which are designed to make people skillful for certain occupation. Vocational education is not professional education like medical, legal education etc..
It is a practical competence in specific area of work. Vocational education is not simple skilling but it includes complex of knowledge (theoritical education)
along with skills for a particular occupation so that people become master of their field.

Vocational education is important for boosting the national economy . Presently, workforce of India with formal education is very less( less than 5%) where is other countries represent higher ratio such as USA has 52% population with formal higher education Germany shows 75% and South Korea has highest 96% population with proper vocational education.
In ancient times people learnt skills unprofessionally for example son of artison was the artison.
Now in the present scenario Indian government is trying to introduce professional skill among the masses so we need to raise the level /standards of skills and add prestige to the skill.
Skillful education is the present day requirement although government and NGOs are working towards this path to increase the number of persons with skullfull knowledge but still there are gap between skill analysis and mapping of local opportunities. We also need to initiate the vocational education at grassroot level so as to improve the mind set of the society and make the people to understand the importance of vocational education which would provide job via small scale startups.

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